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Mission, Texas

Diadasia ochracea; Copyright 2023 Sharp-Eatman Nature Photography

Genus Diadasia - Tribe Emphorini


Diadasia are small-to-moderate-sized, often beautiful bees. Most are a tawny color, with abdomens that are either striped with pale bands or covered with pale-gold hairs.  Female Diadasia have bushy pollen-collecting hairs on their hind legs and  distinctive brushes of long hairs on their forelegs.  Males often have elongated hind legs.

Diadasia often appear in popular literature under the name “chimney Bees,” because they build small chimney-shaped turrets outside of their tunnel entrances.  The function of these chimneys is debatable.  Diadasia have been observed disassembling the chimneys, after egg-laying, and using them to plug nest entrances. Some sources hold that the chimneys prevent flooding; keep debris out of the bees' tunnels; and even serve to discourage invaders such as velvet ants. 

Like most of the wild bees in this guide, Diadasia are solitary -- that is, each bee builds and provisions its own nest.  Diadasia nests tend to take the form of shallow vertical burrows in the ground.  Some Diadasia soften the earth with nectar to make nest-digging easier. 

In Texas, Diadasia overwinter in the ground and then emerge during spring blooming periods to begin building nests.  Despite their solitary status, many Diadasia species are gregarious and form aggregations (or groups) when nesting. Depending on the species and environmental conditions, Diadasia may nest more than once in a given year.  

At the National Butterfly Center, male Diadasia rinconis  appear before female bees emerge.  Multiple male bees often gather together inside golden prickly poppies in late March, shortly before before Texas prickly pear begins to bloom.  Prickly poppy is a good pollen source but produces little nectar.  Given that male bees (unlike females) do not gather pollen, male Diadasia probably shelter in the poppies because the large blossoms furnish comfortable resting places and protection from wind and rain.  Even after prickly pears are in full bloom in the area, male Diadasia rinconis can be found sleeping in the mornings in yellow prickly poppies at the NBC.

Diadasia ochracea; Copyright 2023 Sharp-Eatman Nature Photography

A female Diadasia chimney bee:  note the brush of long hairs on the underside of  the bee's front femur, a defining trait of female Diadasia.

Diadasia rinconis bees sleeping in prickly poppy; (c) Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

Male Diadasia rinconis "cactus bees" resting inside a golden prickly poppy 

Diadasia and Specialist Plants

Diadasia often appear under such common names as “sunflower bee,” “cactus bee" or "mallow bee."  These names reflect the fact that most Diadasia are "oligolectic," or pollen specialists that feed on a narrow range of flora.  Thus, particular species of Diadasia become inextricably linked with particular plants.  Accordingly, Diadasia enavata is sometimes called “a sunflower chimney bee,” because it pollinates plants of the sunflower family nearly exclusively. 


A number of Diadasia species belonging to the subgenus Coquillettapis visit cactus flowers.  In Texas, such species include Diadasia rinconis; the very similar Diadasia australis; Diadasia opuntiae; and Diadasia piercei.  Some of these are strict cactus specialists and some visit other varieties of flowers.  Diadasia pierci, for example, collects pollen predominantly from prickly pear cactus.  Diadasia opuntiae, whose Latin name might be translated to “prickly pear chimney bee,” visits sunflowers as well as cactus. Diadasia rinconis and Diadasia australis, perhaps the most common visitors to prickly pear cactus in the the Valley, also visit an array of flowers from several plant families, among them members of the poppy, mallow, aster, pea and verbena families.

Some Texas Diadasia are closely associated with plants of the mallow family.  Diadasia tropicalis, for example, is a mallow specialist.  Diadasia diminuta (also known as the globe mallow bee), and Diadasia ochracea both visit mallows of many genera, and are most often found in the Valley on mallows.  (Neither of these two species is a strict mallow specialist, however; both frequent flowers of other plant families as well.)

In other regions of the United States, there are Diadasia that specialize in varieties of morning glory; aster-family flowers; evening primrose; and clarkia. According to Charles D. Michener's The Bees of the World, Diadasia that specialize on mallow and evening primrose tend to be small, with a covering of "uniform, pale hairs" on their abdomens.  By contrast, Diadasia that specialize on cactus or sunflowers tend to be robust and to have "distinctively banded" abdomens. 

Where to find Diadasia

Diadasia tend to prefer hard-packed and sandy soils and are most likely to appear in arid grasslands and desert habitats. They are found only in the Americas.  There are roughly 45-50 Diadasia species, 25 of which appear north of Mexico.  All but one occur west of the Mississippi, and most inhabit the southwestern United States.  Within Texas, at least thirteen Diadasia species have been documented.

As a general rule, Diadasia ochracea and the sunflower chimney bee Diadasia enavata are the Diadasia species most likely to be seen at locations distant from the Mexican border.  Diadasia ochracea is found in California, Mexico and throughout the southwestern United States.  The sunflower chimney bee has the largest distribution of any Diadasia.  It ranges from as far north as western Canada, as far west as Washington state and California and as far east as Mississippi.  Diadasia  tropicalis, by contrast, is found within the United States only near the Mexican border.

Diadasia rinconis; Copyright 2023 Sharp-Eatman Nature Photography

A male "cactus bee"  (Diadasia rinconis) inside a prickly pear blossom

Diadasia enavata male; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male "sunflower bee"  (Diadasia enavata)


Order:   Hymenoptera

Family:   Apidae

Subfamily:  Eucerinae

Tribe:  Emphorini

Genus:   Diadasia

Species shown below: 
   Diadasia diminuta (Subgenus Coquillettapis)   

   Diadasia enavata (Subgenus Diadasia)
   Diadasia ochracea (Subgenus Dasiapis)

   Diadasia rinconis (Subgenus Coquillettapis)
   Diadasia tropicalis (Subgenus Dasiapis)

Globe Mallow Bee

Diadasia (Coquillettapis) diminuta

Family:  Apidae

Size:  6 - 8 mm  

Associated plants at NBC:  
False spiked mallow
(Malvastrum americanum)


(Melochia tomentosa)
Plant Family:  Malvaceae

When seen:

September & November 2018

May 2019

Diadasia Species of the National Butterfly Center

Associated plants at NBC:  
Texas Prickly Pear

(Opuntia engelmannii)
Plant Family:  Cactaceae

Golden Prickly Poppy
(Argemone aenea)

Plant Family:  Papaveraceae

When seen:

March  - April  2019  

Rincon Chimney Bee
Diadasia (Coquillettapis) rinconis
Family: Apidae

Size:  11-12  mm (male); 12 mm (female)

A male Diadasia rinconis; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male Diadasia rinconis

A male Diadasia rinconis; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male Diadasia rinconis stretching its long legs to negotiate a prickly pear blossom

A female Diadasia rinconis / australis; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A female Diadasia rinconis / Diadasia australis chimney bee

A Diadasia scrum; Copyright 2020 John Yochum

A scrum of Diadasia males, commonly called a "beeball".
Photo copyright 2020 John Yochum

​The image above, taken by photographer and state park ranger John Yochum, depicts a Diadasia rinconis "bee ball".   What is a bee ball? 


Male Diadasia rinconis patrol flowers and nest entrances in search of mates.  A detailed 1992 study of Diadasia rinconis by Neff and Simpson described males lingering at nest entrances for extended periods, waiting for females to emerge and vying with other males for the opportunity to couple. The nest-side activities of male Diadasi rinconis were intense:  they strove to drive rivals from nest holes, to break up mating pairs and and even to couple with other males.  As soon as a female bee emerged from her nest, a male bee guarding the entrance would pounce on her. 

Where males were abundant, a group of them would pile together into a scrum onto the female.  She would emerge between 30 to 90 seconds later with a male riding on her back, buzzing and rubbing legs with her.  Known colloquially as “bee balls,” such scrums of male Diadasia rinconis are still a common sight in April in Hidalgo County during prickly pear blooms.

Globe Mallow Bee

Diadasia (Coquillettapis) diminuta

Family:  Apidae

Size:  6 - 8 mm  

Associated plants at NBC:  
False spiked mallow
(Malvastrum americanum)


(Melochia tomentosa)
Plant Family:  Malvaceae

When seen:

September & November 2018

May 2019

Diadasia diminuta female; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A female globe mallow bee (Diadasia diminuta)

Diadasia diminuta male; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male globe mallow bee (Diadasia diminuta) on a dime

Ochraceous Chimney Bee

Diadasia (Dasiapis) ochracea

Family:  Apidae

Size:  8 mm  (female)

Associated plants at NBC:  
False spiked mallow
(Malvastrum americanum)
Plant Family:  Malvaceae

When seen:

September & November 2018

Diadasia ochracea female; Copyright 2018 Paula Sharp

A female ochraceous chimney bee (Diadasia ochracea)

Tropical Chimney Bee

Diadasia (Dasiapis) tropicalis

Family:  Apidae

Size:  7-8 mm (male)

Associated plants at NBC: 
Rio Grande Abutilon

(Abutilon hypoleucum)

Spiked Malvastrum

Malvastrum americanum
var. Americanum


(Melochia tomentosa)
Plant family:  Malvaceae

When seen:  April & July 2019  

Diadasia tropicalis; Copyright 2023 Paula Sharp

A male tropical chimney bee (Diadasia tropicalis)

Diadasia tropicalis male; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male tropical chimney bee

Diadasia tropicalis male; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male tropical chimney bee

Sunflower Bee

Diadasia (Diadasia) enavata

Family:  Apidae

Size:  12-15 mm  (male & female)

Associated plants at NBC:  
Common sunflower

(Helianthus annuus)

Cowpen Daisy
( Verbesina encelioides)

Plant family:   Asteraceae

When seen: 
November 2018,  April 2019 

June 2019 

Diadasia enavata male; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A male sunflower  bee (Diadasia enavata)

Diadasia enavata female; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A female sunflower chimney bee (Diadasia enavata)

Diadasia enavata female; Copyright 2019 Paula Sharp

A female sunflower bee (Diadasia enavata)

CITE THIS PAGE:  Sharp, Paula and Ross Eatman.  "Diadasia."  Wild Bees of the National Butterfly Center of Mission, Texas. 15 Jan. 2019,  Accessed [day/month/year guide accessed].

Last updated January 2025

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