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Picture Index for Bee Guide

Mexican feather-tongued bee (Ptiloglossa mexicana) (female)

Glorious protoxaea (Protoxaea gloriosa) (male)

Glorious protoxaea (Protoxaea gloriosa) (female)

Texas mesoxaea (Mesoxaea texana) (male)

Texas mesoxaea (Mesoxaea texana) (female)

Southern carpenter bee (Xylocopa micans) (male)

American bumble bee (Bombus pensylvanicus) (female)

Black-legged long-horned bee (Epimelissodes atripes) (female)

Black-footed oil-digger bigger (Centris atripes) (female)

Shining oil-digger bee (Centris nitida) (male)

Ochraceous chimney bee (Diadasia ochracea) (female)

Globe mallow bee (Diadasia diminuta) (female)

Tropical chimney bee (Diadasia tropicalis) (male)

Pale-gold cellophane bee (Colletes mandibularis) (female)

Goldenweed long-horned bee (Eucera eriocarpi) (male)

Woolly-white long-horned bee (Eucera paenalbata) (female)

Sabine long-horned bee (Epimelissodes sabinensis) (female)

Griswold's carpenter bee (Xylocopa griswoldi) (female)

Sunflower chimney bee (Diadasia enavata) (male)

Rincon chimney bee (Diadasia rinconis) (male)

Rincon/australis chimney bee (Diadasia rinconis/australis) (female)

California digger bee (Anthophora californica) (male)

California digger bee (Anthophora californica) (female)

Masked sage digger bee (Anthophora capistrata) (female)

Masked sage digger bee (Anthophora capistrata) (male)

Aztec cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys azteca) (female)

Slosson's sand-dwelling cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys slossoni arenicola) (female)

Slosson's sand-dwelling cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys slossoni arenicola) (female)

Scaly cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys edita) (female)

Texas cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys texanus) (female)

Texas cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys texanus) (male)

Zapotec cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys zapotecus) (male)

Totonaca cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys totonacus) (female)

Totonaca cuckoo leafcutter (Coelioxys totonacus) (female)

Spring triepeolus (Triepeolus vernus) (female)

Red-faced triepeolus cuckoo bee (Triepeolus rufoclypeus) (female)

Zacatec triepeolus cuckoo bee (Triepeolus zacatecus) (male)

Paintbrush triepeolus cuckoo bee (Triepeolus penicilliferus) (male)

Singular cuckoo bee (Leiopodus singularis) (female)

Viereck's nomad bee (Nomada vierecki) (male)

Texas nomad bee (Nomada texana) (male)

Snakeweed nomad bee (Nomada gutierereziae) (female)

Gila rotund-resin bee (Anthidiellum notatum gilense) (male)

Gila rotund-resin bee (Anthidiellum notatum gilense) (male) (red variant)

Discordant pebble bee (Dianthidium discors) (female)

Discordant pebble bee (Dianthidium discors) (male)

Spotted wool carder bee (Anthidium maculosum) (male) (Photo by Dan Jones)

Ribbed stelis cuckoo bee (Stelis costalis) (female)

Dwarf Epeolus cuckoo bee (Epeolus pusillus) (female)

Texas protandrena (Protandrena texana) (female)